Cryptography ICE Cube experiment

In the last few months I was happy to collaborate with ESA developing a casing for the Cryptography ICE Cube experiment. The part I was carry on »

Stork Thermeq Deaerator

Together with Protorc3D we developed a 3D printed scale model of a Stork Thermeq industrial deaerator for showcase uses. I’m responsible for all the 3D carry on »

Enerpac JS250

Another great project for Enerpac together with Protorq3D This time I needed to make a production drawing ready for 3D printing on a 1:25 scale. Also this model is fully functional carry on »

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Dock

I didn’t like the original Samsung dock for my current phone so I decided to make my own. Some of the features I think it carry on »


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